I was a pretty latecomer to the internet, and even though I never had a personal homepage, I did have a few blogs.

Here are two of them, both in Spanish, and both originally at blogger.com:

http://textzi.net/11 This ran from January 2002 to May 2004. Shortly after that, I gave it its present template. I like it because it lets me see what writing about my life for two years looks like.

http://textzi.net/reglo I wrote it in 2003. I only wrote on the first and on the last day of each month that year, giving detailed descriptions of my life on those days.

I'd be lying if I were to say that these blogs were more than personal/literary blogs. A more interesting question is whether or not you're interested in reading about the minutae of everyday life in Mexico City.

If you are, then you may also be interested in a text I wrote about two other Mexico City bloggers. It is a glimpse into the larger network from which my blogs can't be disassociated.