Let me introduce you my friends and revolutionaries of all things cyberlicious to the weblog of SiNuS BRaDy ...


A bit of a blog using a DiaryLand diary and also a bit of online character cultivation as well ... I am a database administrator and poet, oftentimes sneaking off into the server rooms on company time to steal away moments to jot down the latest little lines to a newly formed haiku or perhaps a metered diatribe ... very cold indeed in the room, as cold as my mood is toward the corporation ...

Life is very surreal for me as I have been followed by some unknown individuals at times throughout the last series of years of the calendar. My involvement with the innovative live radio theatre troupe Radio Pu, as well as my stint as host of Scara's Night Out, has afforded me many luxuries as a nighttime Boston-area personality.

I have a few vices, one being the unstoppable urge to eat premium ice creams, another being a rather embarrassing addiction to teeth whitening products.

I must go for now. No more late fees. Blessed be.

{ sB }